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Bible for all people!

On this website you will find links to Bibles on the internet in various languages.

1. Arabic/عربي:
كتاب الحياة

2. Bulgarian/Български:
Верен Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици

3. Čeština/Czech:
Český ekumenický překlad Slovo na cestu Bible, překlad 21. století Bible Kralická

4. Dutch/Nederlands:
Statenvertaling (met kanttekeningen) Herziene Statenvertaling NBG-vertaling 1951
Delftse bijbel 1477 naast Statenvertaling 1637 Petrus Canisiusvertaling 1939 Het Boek

5. English:
King James Version English Standard Version

6. French/Français:
Louis Segond 1910 Segond 21

7. German/Deutsch:
Lutherbibel 2017 Elberfelder Bibel

8. Italian/Italiano:
La Parola è Vita Nuova Riveduta 2006

9. Portuguese/Português:
O Livro

10. Spanish/Español:
Nueva Version Internacional La Biblia Textual